What is Addiction Counseling?

Substance Use Disorder

Addiction is a chronic, progressive, and potentially fatal disease. Without treatment the likelihood of sustained recovery is substantially diminished. Addiction results in negatively altered brain chemistry impacting behavior, judgment, cognition, emotions, physical, and spiritual well-being. Impairment is often visibly noticeable and worsens with continued use putting oneself and others img_5442at serious risk. Addiction is also a family illness affecting the health and balance of the family system. Counseling is often necessary for family members in order to obtain family revitalization. 

For more information on addiction counseling please contact:

Patti at 414.429.6403 or by email at Hartscouseling@gmail.com.

Deb Adamus at 920.545.9335 or by email at dadamus.hartscounseling@gmail.com